3 of My Favorite Dyslexia Resources
Every family with over one child will tell you no two kids are the same. Especially in learning styles and strengths. In my home, we have many difficulties, some diagnose and some left undocumented. Dyslexia is one of the loudest in our homeschool. Here are three resources we use to battle dyslexia. Let’s get straight to the list: Homeschooling with Dyslexia— this fantastic resource is more than just a website. It’s a one-stop learning platform to teach you (the parent/teacher) how to live with and teach your dyslexic kiddo. Marrianne was my first stop to educate myself on how to educate my student. She’s also the first place I send…
It’s Agatha Christie Time
Funny thing about mystery writers. Their real lives are often mysteries of their own. Agatha Christie is no exception. Multiple movies have hypothesized and dramatized her missing days. There’s even a Dr. Who episode about them. It’s time to meet the grand madam of mystery, Agatha Christie, and her big-time murders in small-town settings. *** As authors come closer to the present time, their biographies may become more graphic. Please use care. Don't rely on my standards. Please- Vet the videos to fit your family's needs. *** Agatha Christie Biographies Short Ones Longer Ones Mystery of Agatha’s Missing Days Here are some theories about Agatha’s missing days. What do you…
Meet Father Brown
Onto another master of mystery, and his iconic character, known as Father Brown. One can often find GK Chesterton gracing the book lists of Classical Education families and teachers. Even more often, someone unfamiliar with Mr. Chesterton’s essays and arguments can stumble upon his most famous fictional character. Meet GK Chesterton’s witty and wily Father Brown. Read this article about GK- https://www.chesterton.org/who-is-this-guy/ to learn more about the man. Or watch this video about his Catholic faith and ideals. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id3GL9KwGcM But now let’s discuss the Priest with a Passion for crime solving- Father Brown. Father Brown mysteries combine faith and fiction, common sense and character qualities, producing another amazing sleuth. https://www.fatherbrowngame.com/about-father-brown.htm…
Teaching My Kids Mystery Writing
What I Use to Teach Mystery Writing to my Homeschooled High School Students
Bumbling Updates
It’s been a season! Whew! A hard season. I’m certain I’m not the only homeschooling mama to ever walk through a tough season or two. In fact, I’m positive, many have stumbled their way to victory through much rougher seasons than my current one. But for me, it’s been H_A_R_D!!!! Very hard. Been there? Done that? Going through it right now? Well, God Bless You, my friend! Join me as I journey through this trampling time. It may be entertaining. It could be informative. I pray it will at least be encouraging. It starts at this horrible video below!! Even Facebook was against me.
As always I”m cheering you…
Victory Drill Book
How our family uses Victory Drill Book for reading remediation. This post might contain affiliate links. Just thought you’d like to know. We’ve used many, many, MANY tools, sets, and kits to help teach reading. I could cheer for several curriculum and program providers. Some work quickly and then fizzle. Others take too long to integrate and discourage my students. In our home, reading curriculums work until they don’t. Changes in hormones, changes in mental capacity, and changes in attention span interfere and morph our remediation routines and needs. This mama is tired of stalling and running off to purchase the next package that promises to help, only to reach…
Late Night Coffee on Facebook
There are days I’m too exhausted to process one more written word. As a writer and book lover, I’m troubled by my own lack of brain space. I long to lounge on the couch and travel via the pages of a new book. I also am in desperate need of help and instruction, from time to time. But perusing another blog post or scouring Pinterest for just the right encouragement can be deflating. Does this sound familiar? I hear you. So, I’m busting out of my comfort zone and bringing you short videos every week. In addition to my weekly blog posts, it’s my aim to bring you daily Facebook…
Free Homeschool Inspiration
The Homeschool Parenting Summit If you are a homeschooling parent — then you can probably relate to burning the candle at both ends. And if there were more than two ends on a candle, they’d probably be burning too! Parenting children is a monumental task in itself; add in home education and “craziness” becomes an understatement. There is good news, though! You can learn to trade your parenting discouragement for courage, founded on biblical truth, and that’s what the Homeschool Parenting Summit is all about. It’s a free week-long event coming October 22-27, 2018 to help you focus on God’s simple plan for family discipleship, recharge your motivation, and faithfully take…
Teaching Textbooks: Our Math Time Buddy
Dyslexia is a giving disability. It gives us trouble in reading, trouble in writing, and trouble in math. This equals hands-on Mom and me schooltime, all day long. When my student was still little this was a blessing. It was a time to reassure and comfort my struggling learner. The older my student gets the more independence they crave and the more frustrated they become when they NEED mom’s help. Enter Teaching Textbooks After hours of repeated and laborious instruction in reading and writing, the last thing my mother/child relationship needs is another round in math. Teaching Textbooks works fabulously for my struggling learner. I oversee everything, from a distance,…
Summer Break From CC
Whether the core of my home school year was 24 weeks or 30 weeks long, by the time end of year celebrations roll around I’m exhausted. My brain has absorbed as much new data as it can store and the time has come to reflect, relax, and reboot. My kiddos feel little different. They too are drained and strained to their limits. They may be sad to say goodbye to the weekly promise of friends but inwardly they’re done with the push. One tiny problem… in most states 24 to 30 weeks does not a school year make. Add to that the tension and worry of summer time’s sieve…