book lists

BookTubers We Love

Ever heard of this tiny fad called YouTube? Yeah, who hasn’t right? YouTube offers a little bit of everything. Education and entertainment. Inspiration and Encouragement. Pretty much anyone can find pretty much anything they need to find on YouTube. Have you ever heard of BookTubers?

They are just what they sound like. YouTube content creators who focus wholeheartedly on one main subject BOOKS! Living breathing honest book reviewers. Here’s my family’s top 3 favorite Christian BookTubers

Angela from Coffee and Chapters

Sadly, Angela from Coffee and Chapters went home to hang with the Author of Creation and thus can no longer share new reviews with us. However, the reviews and ideals she left behind are golden. Don’t pass her by!

Melanie from Christian YA & More

Melanie is a busy mama and doesn’t upload a ton of new videos. But her point of view is mature and God honoring. She’s the BookTuber who introduced my family to the 24 hour read a thon. She’s also an author. You can find her books on Amazon.

I’m fangirl crazy over Nadine Brandes. Watch a video and see why. She’s passionate, she’s encouraging, and she’s just a bit crazy. She’s focused on eternity while enjoying the journey. I love her videos and her book recommendations. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE her books. Watch her video and then check out the video below as I rave about her writings.

Do you watch Book-tubers for new read recommendations? Who do you watch? Leave a suggestion in the comments below.

What do you think?