writing projects

  • Got Writer’s Block?

    Hey Mama’s and Friends, I know writing can be a beast. Add in domestic responsibilities and scramble in a heaping pile of homeschooling and it can feel downright impossible. I’m here to help. What are you struggling with right now when it comes to writing? What are you feeling stumped, stuck or challenged by? I’d love to know so I can help you get unstuck. All you have to do is simply comment below and let me know 🙂 I read each and every message. Can’t wait to hear from you! Sarah PS: Subscribe so you don’t miss when I answer your question. Plus you’ll get access to the ever-growing…

  • Stuck Halfway Thru

    Camp Nanowrimo is halfway done. You’ve sprinted and sparred with the words. But now, you’re stuck. Your brain can’t find any more adjectives or verbs or phrases. You’re determined to finish strong…but how? Here are some quick tricks to ramp up your writing. Pick a resource, dive in, and get back to creating. Help your Character Express Themselves: Your poor MC is dangling on the edge of life change. You can see them. You can feel them. But you can’t get your words to reflect what they’re going through. Dig into this thesaurus and others in the series. Sometimes nailing one scene can birth many scenes to follow. Get to…

  • Scrap it All (Part1)

    Why did I ditch my Work In Progress? I was writing and writing and writing. The words were there but they held little meaning and even less action. My normal writing speed was over 3 months off. I had deadlines looming and dread festering in my stomach. I was stuck. Even though I told myself it would all pan out if I just kept putting down the words. The truth was life had stunned me and stunted my story. The first 50,000 words of my 3rd novel came to me in less than 30 days. Another successful Nano experiment. Fast forward from November to March and I’d only added 11,000…

  • The Sequel @ Last

    Can you hear my maniacal laugh? It’s raging from my core through the living room, and out to the cosmos! Listen I’m sure you’ll hear it and why? Because I’m finally releasing my first SEQUEL! Yes, Lethal in Lavender is coming to Amazon and other bookish places April 15th! Now, can you hear it? Click the link above and follow my Amazon Author Page to stay up to date! This book was a treat to write but a booger to edit and get to the printers. Due to release 3 months ago, it’s finally coming out! And I can’t keep still about it! Buy it, read it, and leave a…

  • Finding Your Writer Mojo

    Writing is hard Sometimes I flat out don’t want to do it. I toss my head and arms around and stamp my feet on the carpet and whine. I just don’t want to write. On days when writing seems impossible, it helps to fall back on basic routines and tools to help get me back in the creative mood. First: Prayer Often I forget this step. I hit up the keyboard and blast away with the words. Until my well runs dry and I’m pulling out my hair trying to remember why I chose this profession in the first place. Prayer resets my mind. It realigns me and gets me…

  • Another Visit to Honey Pot

    Coming soon! Lydia Everett wants nothing more than to regain her youth before she turns forty. Strapping on her running shoes, she challenges herself to complete the Lavender Lane 5K. Her path to the finish line is thwarted when she stumbles upon Averie Stardust. She finds the tender-hearted relaxation artist , and internet celebrity, bleeding in the middle of the race track. There are no witnesses and no way she crawled out there on her own. How did she get there? Who wants to hurt her? Lydia races to find the answers knowing Averie’s attacker will only rest once she’s dead. Follow Sarah Hualde on Amazon for updates and possible…

  • Newbie Author Successes

    This post might contain affiliate links. Just thought you’d like to know.  The first year of author life is hard.  In fact, it can be downright shocking.  But don’t be discouraged.  Royalties and reviews aren’t the only way to mark your success, as a writer. 1- New Contacts Writing and publishing cannot be accomplished on one’s own. There are cover designers, editors, reviewers, formatters, readers, lovers, haters… the list goes on and on.  Behind each job lies a person. I know it’s strange.  But a real, live human being is on the other end of your emails and job offers.   Even the most introverted of writers must branch out and…

  • Writer Hacks (Crazy Things I Do)

    The blank page aka the white nightmare.  On parchment, the lines mock my lax beginnings. On the screen, the cursor blinks explicit expostulations.  Like most writers, my brain is near bursting with ideas, worlds, people, and situations.  Mine struggle to exit my person and live their own lives.  Keeping these imaginary friends at bay tends to feed, only, my insomnia.  However, when faced with time and the energy to create, these pals grow fickle and flee into the recesses of my brain. How do I get them to come out?  How do I encourage them the play nicely?  How do I keep them from stomping all over my compositions? Every…