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Newbie Author Successes

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The first year of author life is hard.  In fact, it can be downright shocking.  But don’t be discouraged.  Royalties and reviews aren’t the only way to mark your success, as a writer.

1- New Contacts

Writing and publishing cannot be accomplished on one’s own. There are cover designers, editors, reviewers, formatters, readers, lovers, haters… the list goes on and on.  Behind each job lies a person. I know it’s strange.  But a real, live human being is on the other end of your emails and job offers.  

Even the most introverted of writers must branch out and make new contacts.  This means new relationships.  New fodder for characters and possibly even new friendships.  For a shy person, like me, writing forces me to reach out and ask for help.

2- New Opportunities

Writing and publishing a book gets you noticed. Not always in amazing ways.  But I’ve been able to grow and stretch.  This means, what for it….  public speaking.  *GASP* Yes, since becoming an author I’ve stumbled into the chance to stand up on a stage and talk about my work. Ouch and wow!  Painful and nerve wrecking as it was, I survived it!  And I did it again! 

I’ve also done amazing things like: learned a little bit of coding, figured out how to set up an online store, legally set up my own business, created logos and much much more. I would never ever have tried any of these things, before writing my first book. Now, they’re just part of my everyday.

3- More Brain Power

Yes, you read that right.  I didn’t think it was possible, either.  But writing and marketing and learning and growing have stretched my brain space and grooved out more pathways through which my creativity can flow. 

After one story, my mind started sizzling like pop rocks in soda.  Characters and scenarios that once laid dormant now play out. As I’m doing dishes, folding laundry, and driving to co-op new stories bloom.  The brain I once thought was stale now sparkles with even more to write. That means more stories to come and more successes to discover.  

4- Growing Faith

Lack of sales, outpouring of energy, inklings of hope can develop into discouragement and depression.  If a writer isn’t careful, these feelings can spiral and spread.  They can lead to doubting your work and your worth.  

To conquer the doldrums a writer needs faith. Faith in God and faith in the path He’s hand selected for them. Baby steps and pressing on, in hope and in prayer is the only answer for a lagging reader audience.  Don’t give up.  Give in to God’s grace and keep going. 

What surprise successes did your writing bring to you?  What words of encouragement would you offer another newbie writer?  Share in the comments.  Write on friends!

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