• Meet Father Brown

    Onto another master of mystery, and his iconic character, known as Father Brown. One can often find GK Chesterton gracing the book lists of Classical Education families and teachers. Even more often, someone unfamiliar with Mr. Chesterton’s essays and arguments can stumble upon his most famous fictional character. Meet GK Chesterton’s witty and wily Father Brown. Read this article about GK- https://www.chesterton.org/who-is-this-guy/ to learn more about the man. Or watch this video about his Catholic faith and ideals. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id3GL9KwGcM But now let’s discuss the Priest with a Passion for crime solving- Father Brown. Father Brown mysteries combine faith and fiction, common sense and character qualities, producing another amazing sleuth. https://www.fatherbrowngame.com/about-father-brown.htm…

  • Late Night Coffee on Facebook

    There are days I’m too exhausted to process one more written word. As a writer and book lover, I’m troubled by my own lack of brain space. I long to lounge on the couch and travel via the pages of a new book. I also am in desperate need of help and instruction, from time to time. But perusing another blog post or scouring Pinterest for just the right encouragement can be deflating. Does this sound familiar? I hear you. So, I’m busting out of my comfort zone and bringing you short videos every week. In addition to my weekly blog posts, it’s my aim to bring you daily Facebook…

  • Newbie Author Successes

    This post might contain affiliate links. Just thought you’d like to know.  The first year of author life is hard.  In fact, it can be downright shocking.  But don’t be discouraged.  Royalties and reviews aren’t the only way to mark your success, as a writer. 1- New Contacts Writing and publishing cannot be accomplished on one’s own. There are cover designers, editors, reviewers, formatters, readers, lovers, haters… the list goes on and on.  Behind each job lies a person. I know it’s strange.  But a real, live human being is on the other end of your emails and job offers.   Even the most introverted of writers must branch out and…

  • My Official Nano 2018 Coffee

    As the name of my blog suggests, I love coffee.  Unfortunately, as a wife, mama, homeschooler, tutor, writer and more, the first cup of coffee I get to finish from sniffed to sipped comes during the late night hours. Thus the Late Night modifier of Coffee Moms. During an anniversary outing, I discovered my new favorite brew.  Today I’m declaring it my official brew of Nanowrimo 2018.  At least as far as this mom is concerned. Let me introduce you to Abide Coffee Roasters. Abide is a family run business. Their coffee yummy, satisfying, and smooth.  It offers a mouthful of flavor with warm dark chocolate undertones. It inspires me…