
  • Your 2 Cents

    Hey Homeschool Mama, do you have wisdom to impart? Have you learned anything from hindsight? Do you have a heads up for up and coming homeschoolers? Now’s your time to shine! I’m collecting advice to share with new homeschoolers this fall. So polish off your best homespun advice and share away. Bless others and see your name here next to your nugget of truth. Last chance to add to your 2 cents is July 1st. Click below

  • Spring Break & Cabin Fever

    It’s April. The cold is slowly leaving the world. The sun is shining. The days are longer… especially the school days. Yikes! Like a run on sentence, they just keep going and going with no end in sight and no obvious destination or point. How do you combat 4th quarter blues in your homeschool? Here’s my 3 tips for combating homeschool battle fatigue: Change Locales Get out of your house! Really! Right now! Grab an extra canvas bag you picked up at a homeschool convention, stuff your most needed supplies inside, and get away. School on a blanket at the park. Read and talk on your backyard trampoline. Do equations…

  • Perplexed? Choose Awe

    Life is confusing. Choices and drama can overwhelm and flood a household before we can shake a stick at them. Give God praise! Grab your coffee and your favorite Bible. Let’s Hit up 2 Corinthians for some help. Delight in Him… He delights in You. Don’t forget to comment, like, and subscribe to spread the Late Night Coffee Moms Love. 🙂

  • Jesus is the Same

    Put the kettle on and scoop out the grounds. It’s time for a peek into God’s word. In a world filled with crazy and uncontrollable change isn’t it great to know Jesus stays the same? Don’t forget to comment, like, and subscribe after you watch the video. Let’s grow our Late Night Coffee Moms Family. Follow my blog with Bloglovin

  • Meet Our Math Time Buddy

    Dyslexia is a giving disability. It gives us trouble in reading, trouble in writing, and trouble in math. This equals hands-on Mom and me school time, all day long. When my student was still little this was a blessing. It was a time to reassure and comfort my struggling learner. The older my student gets the more independence they crave and the more frustrated they become when they NEED mom’s help. Enter Teaching Textbooks After hours of repeated and laborious instruction in reading and writing, the last thing my mother/child relationship needs is another round in math.  Teaching Textbooks works fabulously for my struggling learner.  I oversee everything, from a…

  • Your Church doesn’t Support Homeschooling?

    It’s wild! Your family thinks you’re nuts. But you know, in your core, you’ve been called to home educate your kids. Your conviction is deep. This is what God is leading your family to do. Even, your husband knows it. And you’ve told your family. They might not be pleased. But at least you’ll be able to get the support you need at church. Until… you don’t! Shock. Confusion. Tiny twinges of frustration and disappointment ripple through you. You’re doing what you believe is right. Your choice to obey God’s call to homeschool comes with its share of sacrifices. But you never thought, alienation from your church family would be…

  • Together Time Video and Bookmark

    Still worried about Together Time? Take it easy Mama. The only way you can mess it up is by taking it too seriously! Take a breath. The one thing that makes homeschooling HOME schooling is… you! So, be you. Invite your children to join you on the journey. Here’s a bookmark freebie to encourage you along the way. And here’s a rambling video of me, being me, discussing Together Time. Together Time On! Catch you next time. 🙂

  • Checklist for Together Time

    Also Known as Morning Basket Time: Together Time is the creamy center of our homeschooling day. It’s the time we learn together, discuss together, and delight together. If no other formal instruction happens, for the day, together time keeps us on track and focused as a family. So, how do we run our Together Time? We keep it simple with the following few steps. 1- Start with the Spirit Bible and/or Devotions come first. They don’t have to include a craft or an object lesson. God’s word is truly all you need. The ultimate open and go curriculum. We’re working through the 90 days through the New Testament Challenge at…

  • Confused by Curriculum?

    The Homeschool Curriculum Summit 2.0 Is it possible to homeschool with confidence? The biblical answer is, yes! There is a promise found throughout Scripture for those who build on the foundation of God’s truth; in Psalm 1, we read that “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers, but his delight is in the law of the Lord…. In all that he does, he prospers.” And when families begin their home education journey by centering it on Christ and His Word, they can have the assurance that their investment will last…

  • Hang Out With Me

    Too tired to read another blog post but still need encouragement and information? Come hang out at my new Channel on YouTube. I’m the same crazy coffee lady just in a different format. For now, the schedule is the verse of the week Mondays, to do list Tuesdays, Write with Me Wednesdays, Book Chat Thursdays and Free for all Fridays. Sometimes I wear makeup. Sometimes I don’t. I strive to be real with you and cheer you on. We talk about books, coffee, curriculum, coffee, mom life/stress, and coffee. Watch my video skills grow, laugh at my hair, be heard, and lift each other up in the comments. Visit my…