Write Along With Me

Come write-along with me, no bra required. Pijama clad welcomed. Coffee consumption is encouraged.
The writers I know, in person and online, tend toward the introverted and private side of the street. I can be loud and boisterous if there’s a purpose to it and it’s necessary but I prefer to be still and quiet at home, among a handful of intimates and laughing at our inside jokes. As such, you can find me, quite often, typing silently at my laptop listening to the happy sounds of my children talking to each other. However, this does little to uplift and motivate me to write during heavy and inspiration dry seasons.
At times we all can use a shot of inspiration. For me, nothing does the job as well as a friend saying “Hey, me too.” So here I am, offering my ME TOO… in an invitation.
Sign up for my Indie Writer Facebook page and write along with me. You can catch me writing live off and on during the month of November or write along with an old FB live video.
Comment below if my videos are helpful to you and if you’d like me to do some more. Comment on under the videos and let me know your accomplished word count and challenge results.
Come along my friend, write-along with me.
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