
My Official Nano 2018 Coffee

As the name of my blog suggests, I love coffee.  Unfortunately, as a wife, mama, homeschooler, tutor, writer and more, the first cup of coffee I get to finish from sniffed to sipped comes during the late night hours. Thus the Late Night modifier of Coffee Moms.

During an anniversary outing, I discovered my new favorite brew.  Today I’m declaring it my official brew of Nanowrimo 2018.  At least as far as this mom is concerned.

Let me introduce you to Abide Coffee Roasters.

Abide is a family run business.

Their coffee yummy, satisfying, and smooth.  It offers a mouthful of flavor with warm dark chocolate undertones. It inspires me to write rich and whimsical stories. Its aroma encourages me, as I slog through sentences, and it’s flavor rewards me, after particularly perilous writing sprints. But that’s not all I love about Abide.  Abide not only roasts awesome beans but it openly and honestly shares its resources with others.

With each purchase, Abide donates to families in need.

It donates to charities that help those recovering from human slavery and homelessness.

Abide stays transparent about the farms it supports.

They purchase their beans from small sustainable family-run farms.  In doing so, they help improve living conditions for farm laborers. My purchases come with a postcard, introducing me to the very farm that grew the beans I’m about to enjoy.

My cup of Abide comes with the dark rich flavor of their kitchen roasted beans, peace of mind due to it’s ethically sourced batches, and joy knowing my favorite mugful brings help to the hurting.

Try a batch for yourself.

You can order a batch directly from the source by clicking on the coffee cup below or visit Sweet Dough Bakery ( https://www.sweetdoughcafe.com/ )and snag a cupful to enjoy with your gourmet cinnamon roll.

I love the Dark Side Blend.

PS:  At the time of this posting I am not an affiliate of Abide coffee and they are not a sponsor.  I just think their coffee is scrumptious and their company is inspirational. Their motto: Love People Through Coffee.


What do you think?