
Meet Adrienne Wright

Time to say hello to this homeschooling indie Christian author.  Let’s get straight into the interview.

How do you find time to write? Especially with homeschool, housekeeping, work, and ‘real life’ happening all around you?

 I put time aside to write, just as I put time aside to homeschool, clean house, study the Word, pray, and spend time with God, spend time with my family, cook, etc. Time is of the essence and so I’ve learned to use it wisely.

What are common traps for aspiring writers?

Overthinking. Redundant writing. Cramming too much information into one chapter. Using Adverbs…a lot. And having trouble with Dialogue mechanics, such as; “he said” “she said” etc. In the editing process of my published novel, “Spring Forward In May,” I’ve learned to allow the reader to breathe, and get to know the characters throughout the story.

Do you believe a work of fiction can bring someone to Christ?

Yes. A work of fiction can have actual events in the story, but the characters and places are fictitious. If our stories can get the reader to think about God, to even acknowledge Him, then the work is powerful!

Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?

I try to be more original.

How many unpublished and half-published books do you have at this moment?


What’s the best way to market your book?

Word of mouth, because it’s free.

Does your family support your career as a writer?


How many hours a day do you write?

I write two to three hours a day.

Do you believe in writer’s block?

Yes, but I find that even when we writers have a mental block to write, write anyway. Even if it doesn’t make sense; write something!

Do you have any new projects in the works?

Yes. And I’m excited about it!

That’s all from Adrienne for now.  Take a minute to check out her book Spring Forward in May on www.westbowpress.com or click on the picture below to find it on Amazon.  Follow her on Amazon for information on her upcoming works.

by Author Adrienne Wright

BTW:  Writers work hard to deliver their stories to the world.  If you’re a reader and find a story that touches your heart and entertains you, please consider leaving a review for that book on sites like Amazon and Goodreads.  A single good review can help other readers find that book.


If you’re a writer, getting your book into the hands of readers can be a battle all on its own.  Let me help you expand your reach by hosting an online interview just for you.  Email indiechristianwriters@gmail.com to get the scoop.  God’s given you a story for a reason. Let me help you share it.

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