Homeschool,  mom life

Shiny New Curriculum Rebound

Whoa there Mama! Stop! Don’t pick up that new catalog. Put down your credit card and shut off your computer… well after reading this post, of course. Don’t give in to Shiny New Curriculum Rebound. Don’t bounce from burnout or blasting full steam ahead into another program. Reboot, recalibrate and focus on rebuilding before you find yourself trapped in the next Shiny New Curriculum Bomb.


After mourning the failure of whatever SNC you attempted, it’s vital to take time to reboot. Refresh your spirit. Dive into personal time with God. Not deep intensive study, unless that’s what He’s leading you to do. No, the open the book, color the verse out, and pray sort. Gentle and healing.

Pour your heart out and ask the Lord to pour into you. Let Him build you up from the inside out. Slow down and let Him love on you. God gets it. He knows fully what happened. If anyone or anything is at fault for the fall of your SNC, He knows. Let Him love on you and in turn, take time to relax and love on your family.


Maybe your Shiny New Curriculum wasn’t ALL bad. Maybe the shock of it’s collapse just made it feel that way. Sit down with your favorite cup of comfort, pray, and realistically look over the year. Write down what worked and what didn’t. Explore areas you think you’d try again and what parts of your day you are going to ditch completely.

Here’s a printable to get you going.


Now that you’ve rested, rebooted, remembered, and recalibrated it’s time to begin rebuilding. All successful renovations and rebuild start with one thing: BLUEPRINTS. Nows the time to revisit your homeschool mission statement. Why did you start homeschooling in the first place? Where are you hoping it gets you in the end? What do you want your children to take away from their time at home? How will your mission statement impact day to day life?

Discover and renew your why. Make sure the Lord is involved in this step. Let Him lead you. Get your husband involved. (My internet pal Katie has great tips on how to involve your husband in your homeschool. Check her out here.) It’s going to take all three of your to rock this rebuild. Then slowly, carefully, lovingly, start planning out your next season or next year.

Avoid Shiny New Curriculum Rebound and take it all one step at a time. Give yourself grace and love your family along the way.

I’m cheering you on,

What do you think?