family time,  Mom Stuff

Grow with Your Girl (part2)

Dolls and Lovies may still grace her bedroom floor in minesweeper quantities. But your little girl is beginning to curve in conspicuous places and all of a sudden she wants more involvement in grown-up things. Don’t fight the process. Join in!   Learn how to grow with your girl

Dream Together

Not quite ready for boys, yet, my girl likes to dream of what she’ll do for the kingdom of Heaven.  It’s one of my favorite things about her.  She’s always dreaming up new ways to make a positive impact on the world for Christ.  She enjoys and delights in these dreams. I continually encourage her to dream up bigger and better dreams in this area.  Doesn’t God promise to outdo our imaginations?  

We dream of farms for the homeless, of running special care facilities, of raising therapy animals, and training someday children in the ways of God.  We dream of handing out Bibles in foreign fields and helping at hospitals.  We dream of what Heaven will look like and what we’ll do there.  Together we imagine what a hug from Jesus will feel like or what the breath of God will smell like?  (I’m guessing cinnamon buns.)

I don’t promise her every dream will turn out.  I don’t tell her to charge head first after them without weighing the cost.  I do encourage her to be on the lookout for dreams God has pre-planned for her and pray that she’ll follow those first with all her heart. 

Pray Together

Over EVERYTHING.  We pray over her inability to keep her room tidy. We pray over my cooking and housekeeping skills.  We pray for the family and for the limping waitress at Denny’s.  We pray for youtube celebrities and charities we support. We pray for patience with ourselves and with others.  We pray for someday spouses and someday children.

We pray for those who oppose us, both in person and spiritually. We pray over hormones.  We pray that Khols will stock more modest and fun clothing.  We pray that Chick-Fil-A will come up with more gluten-free options. We pray… over everything.  Anything we talk about at length, anything we bring up in the car, anything we see that grieves our spirits… we pray over it. 

As a result, we snuggle and cry together.  We practice casting our cares together. And we learn we cannot save the world on our own, together.  All things this mama needs and all things her girl is going to need when she’s a mama.

Fights come and tempers flare. Hormones hijack sanity and crazy becomes normal.  It may be a part of life but it’s not a part anyone should tackle alone.  Refuse to stagnate. Chose to glow with your girl.

Check out part one of this post: Grow with your girl

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