Spring Break & Cabin Fever
It’s April. The cold is slowly leaving the world. The sun is shining. The days are longer… especially the school days. Yikes! Like a run on sentence, they just keep going and going with no end in sight and no obvious destination or point. How do you combat 4th quarter blues in your homeschool?
Here’s my 3 tips for combating homeschool battle fatigue:
Change Locales
Get out of your house! Really! Right now! Grab an extra canvas bag you picked up at a homeschool convention, stuff your most needed supplies inside, and get away. School on a blanket at the park. Read and talk on your backyard trampoline. Do equations at your local Dunkin’ Donuts. Or maybe, get a quiet room at your library for an hour or two. A change of locale can boost morale. Or at least stave off the cabin fever crazies!

Test out Early
If there’s a subject you & your kids loved so much, you raced through the lesson planner ahead of time… test out now! It’s one less checkbox on your list and helps the end feel closer. Perhaps your family feels so far behind that you’ll never catch up. You and your kids may benefit from spreading that subject between two school years. If so, test out now! Your kids will shout with
( I personally don’t believe homeschoolers can actually fall behind…. different topic for a different post)
Play Games and Movies
Ditch a subject a day, a different one each day, and play a game instead. Don’t force the game to be “educational”. Just play a game. Outside or Inside. Soccer or Handball. Catan or Cards. It doesn’t matter. Games contain a wealth of hidden learning ops. Be a hero and play a game.
Or, if you’re not a gamer, watch an educational video instead of plowing through a textbook. You can plan it around your sylabus or shock your students to smithereens and pick something completely unrelated yet educational. A topic you know you’re tackling next year is a great plan. Just don’t tell your kids you’re being tricky. Get them excited about next year and give them a confidence boost in the upcoming curriculum.
Whatever you do … DON’T GIVE UP and DON’T BECOME A MARTYR… homeschool is about home! Make it fun! Make it family! And you’ll make to the finishline.
What’s your favorite way to over come Spring Fever? Share it with everyone in the comments!
I’m cheering you on!