Your Church doesn’t Support Homeschooling?
It’s wild! Your family thinks you’re nuts. But you know, in your core, you’ve been called to home educate your kids. Your conviction is deep. This is what God is leading your family to do. Even, your husband knows it. And you’ve told your family. They might not be pleased. But at least you’ll be able to get the support you need at church. Until… you don’t!
Shock. Confusion. Tiny twinges of frustration and disappointment ripple through you. You’re doing what you believe is right. Your choice to obey God’s call to homeschool comes with its share of sacrifices. But you never thought, alienation from your church family would be one of them.
What do you do when your spiritual support system dumps on you?
Take it Back to the Bible:
When Jesus started preaching his own family thought He’d lost His mind. They beckoned Him to interventions and tried to pull Him from His mission. For their sakes and for His. They were genuinely nervous for His well being. He politely ignored their attempts and kept on preaching. What will you do?
Give your church family the benefit of the doubt. Their reactions may come from fear. Their hearts may truly be concerned for you and your family. Ask God to open their eyes and their hearts. You do not need to defend yourself. God will stand in the gap. All the statistics in the world cannot provoke change as well as Holy Spirit can Prayer is always the best first step to healing any relationship.
Take Courage in the Call:
Many accounts in the Bible mention God calling His people to odd and amazing adventures. Most are attacked as soon as they choose to obey. Homeschoolers are no exception. If King David was hunted and stalked, betrayed and belittled, before he was finally crowned why shouldn’t we be questioned, yelled at, and talked down to.
Be courageous. Believe in God’s call and rest in His promises to fulfill His purposes. Give more grace. Just because God called you and your family to homeschool doesn’t mean He’s called everyone to do the same. We are all members of one body but we do not all do the same job.
Take Time to Soak in Joy:
God’s call and even opposition to it should fill you with joy, not with dread. He is pleased with your obedience. Keep working at it. Do it for God and not for people. Even the people in your church family. Savor His pleasure at your obedience in quiet moments with Him. Refuse to judge others as they may seem to be judging you. Instead, bless them and thank them for their concern. Accept their prayers for your family and keep your eyes on Christ.
Of course, if your church home is threatening you or your family, it may be time to find a new congregation. Above all, do everything, in genuine love. Bless them, pray for them and then find a support group to lift you up. Pray every step of the way and trust God will bless your efforts and grant you peace.
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