book lists,  Homeschool

Books for your Morning Basket

Words, words everywhere and not a book to read. Sometimes the task of bringing it altogether for morning basket time is a daunting one. The amount of book lists cluttering the internet can clog the mind like confetti down a kitchen sink.

I love books that clump one or more subjects together. They make my morning reading time instantly more successful. Here are a few of my favorites. (Pst… this post contains affiliate links. Just thought you’d like to know)

Prayers that Changed History By Tricia Goyer

This book blends faith with action and impact. It demonstrates the power of prayer to change the world with historical examples of prayers that did, all while being friendly, precise and encouraging readers to be the difference through prayer. (Subjects tackled: Prayer, Faith, Bible, History)

Then Sings my Soul by Robert Morgan

A faith based favorite. Mr. Morgan retells the story behind hymns my parents and grandparents sang to me. It uses real-life ups and downs to teach about God’s redemption and the perfect hope He offers everyone who believes. (Subjects tackled: Hymn Study, Music, History, Faith)

Window on the World By Spraggett and Johnstone

Another faith building book. Encourage your children to explore the world and diverse cultures through the lens of compassion. WotW gives them a peek inside many different lifestyles and faiths all with the ministry focus of praying for people they may never meet. (Subjects tackled: Geography, Social Studies, Faith, Some History, Prayer, Ministry Opportunites)

Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place By Maryrose Wood

Pictured below is the first in a fun filled and amazing series. Even my older kids love when we read the Incorrigible Children. This book is not a faith based book nor is it historical or factual. It’s fiction. However, since it’s about a Governess tutoring three wild children it is packed with golden nuggets of information. Some of which my children would balk at if discussed directly they absorb through the story. (Subjects tackled: (It depends on the volume) History, Wildlife, Shakespeare, Edgar Allen Poe, Poetic Meter, Memory work, Geography, Plant life, Fall of the Roman Empire and much much much much more)

If you find yourself in a season of indecision or there’s just too many great books to wade through at the moment, snag one of these beauties and tackle morning basket time like an old timer homeschool pro.

What books never leave your morning basket? Which ones are you hoping to tackle but don’t have the energy or courage to attempt to read with your family? Leave your recommendations in the comments below.

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