Our Classically Mason Day

Let me say first off if you haven’t yet read the post Classically Charlotte Mason you may be a bit lost. Second, I’ll add, we don’t have a true schedule. What follows is our routine. Subjects shift in order from day to day and their instruction times flex as needed. The schedule below is
Bible and Reasoning
We try to do this in the evenings as a family and so it doesn’t’ feel like actual “school work” even though it is. It takes about 15 minutes an evening.
Reading Remediation
30 minutes on Reading Horizons Software & 10 minutes reading from Pathway Readers. Not at the same time. Reading Horizons happens before lunch and Pathway Readers happens snuggled on the couch after lunch.
30 minutes on Teaching Textbooks followed by 5 minutes of Multiplication drills
Flashcard drill and 2 Latin with Andy lessons with Mom acting as translator and scribe, every other day. The rest of the week write out declension endings and watch Andy drill flashcards. (Usually adds up to 20 minutes)
Cartography & Literature
Trace a map daily, usually while listening to literature’s book of the week. (This takes about 10 minutes)

Once a week we research a topic and dictate/scribe a paragraph summing up our research. The rest of the week we practice presenting the summary. (Takes about 30 mins on research day and 5 minutes on every other day)
Once a week we dictate/scribe and discuss the book of the week. Following outlines in our curriculum we work together and complete this task in about 30 minutes. This chunk may take two days to complete
Physical Education
On wonderful days, yoga or walking is on the schedule. This takes only 20 minutes.
Approximate Total Work Time: 3 1/2 hours
So what do we do with the rest of our school time
That means I’m free to help my eldest. Free to rock a blog post. Or free to do extravagant things like the dishes and laundry.
We end the day before everyone is mentally exhausted, which leads to better relationships and better retention. It’s a win-win!
What’s your homeschool day look like? Help a mama out and leave your tips and tricks in the comments.