Homeschool After Illness
Oh man! Oh man! Life hit me like the hammer of Thor. I went from being well and chipper to being on bed/couch rest for the large part of four weeks. Slowly gaining strength isn’t really an option when you’re counting High School credits and days in the semester. This homeschool mom might not bounce back with vigor but she also doesn’t wallow in her massive clean laundry pile, either. This is how we homeschool after an illness.
First: GO SLOW
This doesn’t mean ditch school altogether. (Though when my kids were little that is exactly what we did. We huddled around audiobooks and just picked up where we left off when we were well.) It means keeping trucking along…slowly.
Have your kiddos do the work they can do alone and pick one subject to do beside them For one of my kids, it’s reading. For the other one, it’s Latin. Whatever it is choose one subject and set a timer. 10 minutes, 15 minutes, or 20 minutes… stop when the timer buzzes and rest!
If your kiddo was the one who was sick, let them switch off their school brain completely. If it was you, kick up your feet and close your eyes. Rest. Relapsing does no one any good.
Do not, do not, do not wake up one morning and decide to plow through all the backlogged schoolwork and chores. Nope! Resist it! Flick the nagging schoolmarm and house matron from your shoulder. Instead, baby step it.
If step one has been going well and you and your family can complete it without a near meltdown then set a short-timer and add a chore. Again, come to a full stop when the timer chimes. Sit and rest.
Once you can handle steps one and two without bitterness or tears and your strength is up, then comes the time to look back. Prayerfully, go over what has and what hasn’t been completed during the time of illness. Assess what MUST be done compared to what you HOPED would be done. Take a deep breath and let go of the unnecessary. You don’t have time to mourn it or whine over its loss. Ditch it and focus on the fundamentals and bare minimums.
If your olders have been plugging away, as you’ve been tending to yourself or a sibling, it’s time to have a long sit down with them one on one. Do not argue or nag. Make it a connecting conversation. Make a treat. Lounge together on the couch. Pray and then dig in. Give them grace. They’ve been stressed and probably feel a bit forgotten. Bite your tongue. Go through every subject with a loving heart and then draw up a compassionate catch-up plan WITH your student.
The time will come when you’re strength is back and you can handle your old normal. More likely, you’ll recreate normal. That’s when you can add the vanity subjects. Not before. Remember… relapse isn’t good for anyone.
Why do we moms assume we need to be invincible? If you’re connected to any homeschool support groups or co-ops or churches, you are going to have concerned friends and acquaintances offering to help you out. Select your three besties and LET THEM HELP!
Yes, you might inconvenience them. But they want to help. Really and truly. It blesses them to be able to bless you. Delegate small meaningful tasks to your inner circle of friends and let them help.
Need some ideas? Here are a few.
Freezer Meals
Co-op Pickups and Drop off
Youth Group carpool
Teen to teen homework accountability pals
May God bless you as you and your family heal up. Get back to homeschooling after illness slowly and steadily.
Don’t rush… trust.
I’m cheering you on,