Find Your Writer Mojo
Writing is hard. Sometimes I flat out don’t want to do it. I toss my head and arms around and stamp my feet on the carpet and whine. I just don’t want to write. On days when writing seems impossible, it helps to fall back on basic routines and tools to help get me back in the creative mood.
First: Prayer
Often I forget this step. I hit up the keyboard and blast away with the words. Until my well runs dry and I’m pulling out my hair trying to remember why I chose this profession in the first place. Prayer resets my mind. It realigns me and gets me back in communication with the Author of Life. Why do I ever believe the words come from me, alone? Without the Lord’s inspiration and sustenance, I’d be nothing. When I forgo checking in with Him it isn’t any wonder that I have nothing to give.
Second: Coffee Up
Whether you’re a coffee nut, like me, or a tea lover, bypass the normal every morning hot drink and opt for a specialty blend. I grind up my favorite beans and dust off my french press for days when the words won’t come. I treat myself to my favorite cup and saucer, my favorite creamer, a dollop of whipped cream and either a dash of cinnamon or a toss of sprinkles. This reminds me writing is a gift. First for me and then for my readers. It should be savored, like my favorite brew, and not chugged.
Third: Get your Supplies
When writing at my laptop I’m always in the company of a legal pad or two, my basic story outline, pens, markers, pencils, and post its. I never have enough post its. (Or Sharpies but that’s another post for another day). Having the things I need very close by, stops me from getting the wanders. (The Wanders: 1.) where you come out of your working phase to hunt down a supply and then forget what you were doing. 2.) The phenomenon that occurs when you set out with good intention to complete a simple mission only to be hit with the wonders. As in: I wonder what’s for dinner. I wonder if I ever restarted the dryer. I wonder if there’s anything new on Netflix. )