Cozy up this Summer
Temperatures are in the 3 digits. Backyard pools and inflatable floaties are filled to bursting. Sunscreen scents the entire house, where there never seems to be enough ice or sweet tea. What’s a mama to do?
Why not chill out and cuddle up with a cozy mystery? Cozies offer friendly places to visit, just enough drama to keep one guessing, and a happily resolved ending. Usually, they are light on the violence, easy on the language, and leave the hot and heavy to one’s imagination. So, go out have fun, with the kids, during the breeziest times of the day. Then head indoors to an easy to read, hard to put down adventure. Littles can nap the heat away. Olders can craft and lego until their cups run over. It’s summer after all. And mama, put your feet up and rejuvenate your own spirit for a while.
I’m tempted to work and study and study and work away these “free time” moments. There will always be another shelf to organize and another list to write. The to-do’s are never-ending. Use summer to reconnect with your family and breathe. School term will start up again, whether you’ve rested or not. I double dog dare you to put down that self-help, time management, how to homeschool book for a while and pick up something light-hearted and fun. Bonus points if it makes you laugh out loud.
Share your favorite summer reads in the comments below. Who knows you may be introducing someone to their new literary best friend.
Maybe you’re looking for a new read?
Check out my first Christian Cozy: Another Cliche Christmas
Available for Preorder on Kindle Now and on Paperback the end of July
Here’s some other cozies I enjoy: Click the pics to find out more.
And here’s a family style read aloud worthy mystery series my family LOVES